Industrial Automation Course

Explore the transformative Industrial Automation Course at Ambit Automation, delving into PLC programming, SCADA systems, HMIs, VFDs, and Industry 4.0 concepts. With hands-on training, cutting-edge curriculum, and 100% placement support, excel in the dynamic field of industrial automation. Elevate your skills and embrace the future with Ambit Automation. 

Industrial Automation Course is a comprehensive program equipping individuals with skills for the dynamic field of industrial automation. The emphasis on practical hands-on experience ensures a transformative journey, making it a gateway to a fulfilling career in industrial automation.

Ambit Automation stands out as the best automation institute in Kerala, offering a personalized learning experience with seasoned professionals, state-of-the-art facilities, and a commitment to practical education. Elevate your skills and career in industrial automation.

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Industrial automation stands at the forefront of technological advancements, revolutionizing the landscape of various industries. At its core, industrial automation integrates cutting-edge technologies to streamline and enhance manufacturing and production processes. This transformative approach has become indispensable, offering a host of benefits that transcend traditional methods.

The significance of industrial automation cannot be overstated. It is a catalyst for increased efficiency, accuracy, and precision in industrial processes. By incorporating automated systems, industries experience a substantial improvement in overall quality, leading to enhanced output and customer satisfaction. Moreover, automation mitigates the margin for error, ensuring consistency in product quality and reducing waste.

Industrial automation is not just a contemporary trend; it’s a necessity that is continuously shaping the future of manufacturing and processing sectors. As industries evolve, the demand for automation will persistently rise, creating a perpetual need for skilled professionals well-versed in the nuances of industrial automation.

Central to the realm of industrial automation is the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). These industrial digital computers are tailored to meet the specific demands of automation processes. PLCs play a pivotal role in controlling and monitoring machinery, ensuring seamless operation and coordination within industrial setups.

Ambit Automation recognizes the pivotal role that PLCs play in industrial automation and has designed its curriculum to provide in-depth insights and hands-on experience with various PLC brands. This specialized focus allows students to master the intricacies of PLC programming and application, empowering them to become proficient professionals in the field of industrial automation.

Ambit Automation takes pride in offering a comprehensive Industrial Automation Course that goes beyond theoretical concepts. Our program is crafted to provide students with practical, hands-on experience that is crucial in today’s dynamic industrial landscape.

Throughout the course, participants delve into the intricate details of multi-brand equipment and controllers, gaining proficiency with leading PLC and SCADA brands such as Allen Bradley, Siemens, Omron, Mitsubishi Electric, and more. The curriculum is meticulously designed to cover a spectrum of topics, from basic principles to advanced applications, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped for the challenges of the industrial automation domain.

Ambit Automation’s commitment to excellence is reflected in the comprehensive training modules that cover PLC, SCADA, HMI, VFD, and DCS, preparing students to navigate the complexities of contemporary industrial processes. The course is not just a learning experience; it’s a transformative journey that positions individuals for success in the ever-evolving field of industrial automation.

At Ambit Automation, we take pride in offering a PG Diploma in Industrial Automation that goes beyond conventional educational paradigms. Our course is meticulously crafted to provide students with a transformative learning experience, equipping them with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the dynamic field of industrial automation.

Hands-on Experience in Industrial Automation – Our commitment to practical learning sets us apart. The course places a strong emphasis on hands-on experience in industrial automation, ensuring that participants not only grasp theoretical concepts but also gain real-world skills. Through dedicated lab sessions and simulations, students have the opportunity to interact with industrial equipment, honing their ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios.

Multi-Brand Equipment and Controller Training – Acknowledging the diverse technological landscape of industries, our course is designed to provide training on a spectrum of multi-brand equipment and controllers. This includes, but is not limited to, renowned PLC brands such as Allen Bradley, Siemens, Omron, Mitsubishi Electric, and others. This approach ensures that our graduates are versatile and adept at working with various systems, making them valuable assets to any industrial setting.

In-Depth Coverage of Advanced PLC and SCADA Brands – Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on advanced Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. Participants delve into the intricacies of leading PLC and SCADA brands such as Rockwell Automation, Citect, Delta, and Wonderware Schneider. This in-depth coverage prepares students to tackle the complexities of contemporary industrial processes, giving them a competitive edge in the job market.

Comprehensive Training in PLC, SCADA, HMI, VFD, and DCS – The course provides a holistic understanding of key components in industrial automation, including PLC, SCADA, Human Machine Interface (HMI), Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), and Distributed Control Systems (DCS). This comprehensive training approach ensures that our graduates are well-versed in multiple facets of industrial automation, making them adaptable professionals capable of contributing across various domains within the industry.

Emphasis on Industry 4.0 Concepts – As Industry 4.0 continues to redefine industrial processes, our course places a strong emphasis on preparing students for the future. Participants delve into the principles of smart field devices, industrial controllers, and system operation control. Concepts such as visualization, interfacing devices, and remotely accessing methodologies, including IIOT and HART, are integrated into the curriculum. This forward-thinking approach ensures that our graduates are not just equipped for current industry standards but are also well-prepared for the evolving landscape of Industry 4.0.

Advantages of Industrial Automation Course

Quality, Accuracy, and Precision in Industrial Processes

Enhanced Product Quality: The course instills a deep understanding of how automation contributes to heightened product quality. Participants learn to implement automated systems that reduce variations, ensuring a consistent and high-quality output in industrial processes.

Precision in Operations: Graduates develop the skills to design and apply precise automation solutions. This precision minimizes errors, contributing to a more accurate and reliable industrial operation with reduced waste and increased efficiency.

Increased Productivity through Automation

Optimized Workflows: The course focuses on strategies to identify and optimize workflows through automation. Participants learn to streamline processes, reduce manual intervention, and enhance overall productivity in industrial settings.

Resource Utilization: Automation plays a key role in resource optimization. Participants gain insights into how automated systems can intelligently utilize resources, contributing to increased efficiency and reduced operational costs.

Growing Job Opportunities in the Automation Industry

Industry-Relevant Skills: The program equips participants with industry-relevant skills, making them sought-after professionals in the automation industry. Graduates are well-prepared to fill the increasing demand for skilled professionals across diverse sectors.

Versatility in Career Paths: Completing the course opens up diverse career paths. Graduates can explore opportunities in manufacturing, energy, pharmaceuticals, and other sectors, contributing to the dynamic and expanding field of automation.

Coverage of Entire Manufacturing and Processing Sector

In-Depth Sector Understanding: Participants gain an in-depth understanding of various industries within the manufacturing and processing sector. This knowledge allows graduates to adapt to the specific needs and challenges of different industries.

Industry-Specific Knowledge: The course ensures that participants not only grasp general automation principles but also acquire industry-specific knowledge. Whether it’s automotive, food and beverage, or pharmaceuticals, graduates are well-versed in the nuances of different sectors.

Cross-Industry Applicability: Graduates are equipped with skills that transcend industry boundaries. The cross-industry applicability of their knowledge makes them versatile professionals capable of contributing to different sectors within the manufacturing and processing domain.

Preparedness for Industry Evolution: The comprehensive coverage of the course extends beyond current industry standards. Participants are prepared for the evolving landscape through exposure to emerging technologies, ensuring they are ready to adapt to future advancements in industrial automation.

Enrolling in the PG Diploma in Industrial Automation at Ambit Automation provides participants with a multifaceted skill set and knowledge base, positioning them as adept professionals ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities in the dynamic world of industrial automation.

PG Diploma in Industrial Automation Course Overview

Embarking on the PG Diploma in Industrial Automation at Ambit Automation promises an immersive and comprehensive learning experience. The course is meticulously designed to take participants from foundational principles to advanced applications, ensuring they emerge as proficient professionals in the field of industrial automation.

A. Basic to Advanced Level Training

  • The course structure is crafted to provide a seamless transition from basic concepts to advanced applications. Participants start with fundamental principles, gradually building their knowledge and skills to navigate complex industrial automation scenarios. This approach ensures that every participant, regardless of their initial proficiency, gains a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

B. Focus on Different Modules of Industrial Controllers

  •  Recognizing the diverse landscape of industrial controllers, the course places a strong focus on different modules integral to their functioning. Participants delve into the specifics of various controllers, gaining insights into their unique features, applications, and programming requirements. This specialized focus ensures that graduates are well-versed in the intricacies of different industrial control systems.

C. Hands-On Programming of Controllers

  • The curriculum places a high emphasis on practical learning, with a dedicated focus on hands-on programming of controllers. Through extensive lab sessions, participants actively engage with real-world industrial scenarios, honing their programming skills. This practical approach not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also instills the confidence to apply learned concepts in industrial settings.

D. Digital and Analog Addressing

  • An integral aspect of the course is the in-depth exploration of digital and analog addressing in industrial automation. Participants gain a nuanced understanding of how controllers communicate with various devices, sensors, and actuators in both digital and analog domains. This knowledge is crucial for designing and implementing precise and effective automation solutions.

E. Troubleshooting and Selection of Controllers

  •  Recognizing the dynamic nature of industrial automation, the course equips participants with the skills to troubleshoot common issues that may arise in automated systems. Additionally, participants learn the art of selecting the most appropriate controllers for specific industrial applications. This aspect ensures that graduates are not only adept at creating automation solutions but also skilled in maintaining and optimizing them.

Enrolling in the PG Diploma in Industrial Automation at Ambit Automation promises a transformative journey. From laying the groundwork with basic concepts to empowering participants to troubleshoot and make informed controller selections, the course ensures that graduates emerge not just as knowledgeable professionals but as problem solvers capable of navigating the complexities of industrial automation.

PG Diploma in Industrial Automation Course Topics

Our industrial automation training starts from the basic level and ends up at an advanced level. We deal with multi-brand of Equipment and controllers. All the brands’ industries currently using. By immersing participants in these expansive course topics, Ambit Automation aims to foster a comprehensive understanding and mastery of the intricate facets defining the landscape of industrial automation, preparing participants for real-world challenges and opportunities.

Course Certifications

A. TUV SUD International Certificate

  • In-Depth Global Recognition:
    • The TUV SUD International Certificate is a testament to the global recognition and credibility of the industrial automation course at Ambit Automation. TUV SUD is a renowned international certification body, and obtaining this certification signifies that participants have undergone rigorous training that aligns with international standards. It provides a valuable endorsement of the skills and knowledge acquired during the program, enhancing the professional standing of graduates in the global industrial landscape.

B. BSS (Govt of India Approved) Certificate

  • Government-Endorsed Accreditation:
    • The BSS (Government of India Approved) Certificate adds a significant layer of credibility to the course. BSS, under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, is a government-approved certifying body. This certification attests that the industrial automation course at Ambit Automation meets the stringent quality and competency standards set by the Indian government. Graduates with this certificate are recognized as having undergone training of the highest caliber, endorsed by the national regulatory authorities.
PG Diploma in Industrial Automation Course Duration & Placement

Regular Training, Crash Course, Short-Term Training, and 4 Months Training Options

  • Flexible Learning Pathways: Recognizing the diverse needs of learners, Ambit Automation offers a range of training options to accommodate various preferences and schedules. Participants can opt for regular training sessions for a comprehensive learning experience. For those seeking an expedited learning path, crash courses provide an intensive and focused curriculum. Short-term training options cater to individuals with specific time constraints, offering targeted modules. The 4-month training option is designed for in-depth mastery of the subject, allowing participants to delve deeply into each aspect of industrial automation. This flexibility ensures that learners can choose the training duration that aligns with their goals, making the course accessible to a broad spectrum of aspiring professionals.
  • 100% Placement Support: Ambit Automation takes pride in offering 100% placement support to its participants. This commitment goes beyond just imparting technical knowledge; it extends to preparing graduates for successful integration into the professional workforce. Through career counseling, resume building, and interview preparation sessions, participants receive holistic support to navigate the job market. The goal is not just to produce skilled professionals but to ensure their seamless transition into fulfilling and rewarding careers in industrial automation.
Industrial Automation Course Job Opportunities, Trends, and Benefits

The completion of the PG Diploma in Industrial Automation from Ambit Automation opens up a broad spectrum of lucrative and dynamic job opportunities, catering to the growing demand for skilled professionals in the field. Graduates find themselves well-positioned to explore various roles across diverse industries, each offering unique challenges and opportunities for career advancement.

  • Automation Engineer:
    • Automation Engineers play a pivotal role in designing, developing, and implementing automated systems. They are responsible for ensuring the seamless integration of technologies such as PLCs, SCADA, and robotics to optimize industrial processes. Automation Engineers are in high demand across manufacturing, energy, and automotive sectors.
  • Control System Engineer:
    • Control System Engineers focus on the design and maintenance of control systems that govern industrial processes. They work with PLCs, DCS, and other control devices to enhance the efficiency and safety of automated systems. Opportunities for Control System Engineers span industries like oil and gas, chemical, and power generation.
  • PLC Programmer:
    • PLC Programmers are specialists in writing and debugging code for Programmable Logic Controllers. They ensure that PLCs operate seamlessly to control machinery and processes. PLC Programmers are essential in manufacturing plants, where precision and reliability are paramount.
  • SCADA Specialist:
    • SCADA Specialists specialize in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems. They design, implement, and maintain SCADA systems that monitor and control industrial processes. SCADA Specialists find opportunities in sectors such as utilities, water treatment, and infrastructure.
  • Robotics Engineer:
    • Robotics Engineers are at the forefront of the automation revolution, designing and developing robotic systems for various applications. They work on industrial robots, collaborative robots (cobots), and autonomous systems. The demand for Robotics Engineers is prevalent in industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare.
  • Industrial IoT (IIoT) Specialist:
    • With the rise of Industry 4.0, Industrial IoT Specialists are crucial for implementing interconnected systems and leveraging data for process optimization. They work on smart field devices, sensor networks, and data analytics platforms. Opportunities for IIoT Specialists are expanding across industries embracing digital transformation.
  • Electrical and Instrumentation Engineer:
    • Electrical and Instrumentation Engineers focus on the electrical systems and instrumentation components essential for industrial automation. They are involved in the design and maintenance of control panels, ensuring the seamless operation of automated processes.
  • Manufacturing Automation Consultant:
    • Manufacturing Automation Consultants provide expertise to optimize manufacturing processes through automation. They assess existing systems, recommend improvements, and guide organizations in adopting advanced automation technologies. Manufacturing Automation Consultants find opportunities in consultancy firms and advisory roles.
  • Renewable Energy Automation Specialist:
    • With a growing emphasis on sustainable practices, Renewable Energy Automation Specialists focus on automating processes in the renewable energy sector. They work on the automation of solar and wind power systems, contributing to the transition to clean energy.
  • Cybersecurity Analyst in Automation:
    • As the integration of digital technologies increases, Cybersecurity Analysts in Automation are crucial for safeguarding industrial control systems from cyber threats. They implement security measures, conduct risk assessments, and ensure the integrity of automated processes.

These roles represent just a fraction of the diverse job opportunities available to graduates of the PG Diploma in Industrial Automation. The skills acquired during the program prepare individuals not only for current job demands but also for emerging roles in the ever-evolving landscape of industrial automation. The comprehensive curriculum at Ambit Automation ensures that graduates are well-equipped to excel in these exciting and challenging positions, contributing significantly to the advancement of the industrial automation sector.

Industrial Automation Trends

The industrial automation landscape is continually evolving, driven by technological advancements and a paradigm shift toward smarter, more connected systems. Ambit Automation’s PG Diploma in Industrial Automation is designed to keep participants abreast of the latest trends, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities presented by the forefront of industrial automation.

  1. Integration of Industry 4.0 Concepts:
    • Industry 4.0, often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, represents the integration of digital technologies into industrial processes. The PG Diploma delves into concepts such as smart factories, IoT-enabled devices, and cyber-physical systems. Participants gain insights into how interconnected systems, real-time data, and machine learning contribute to more efficient and adaptive manufacturing processes.
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Automation:
    • The infusion of Artificial Intelligence into industrial automation is a transformative trend. The program addresses AI applications in automation, emphasizing how machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics enhance system efficiency. Participants explore AI-driven decision-making processes, leading to improved operational outcomes and resource optimization.
  3. Cybersecurity in Industrial Automation:
    • With the increased connectivity of industrial systems, the importance of cybersecurity has never been higher. The curriculum addresses emerging trends in cybersecurity specific to industrial automation, covering topics such as threat detection, risk mitigation, and the implementation of secure-by-design principles. Graduates are equipped to safeguard automated processes from cyber threats.
  4. Advanced Robotics and Collaborative Robots (Cobots):
    • Robotics is undergoing a renaissance in industrial settings. The program covers advancements in robotic technologies, including collaborative robots that work alongside human operators. Participants learn about robot programming, integration, and the application of robotics in diverse industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare.
  5. Edge Computing for Real-Time Processing:
    • Edge computing involves processing data closer to the source rather than relying solely on centralized cloud systems. The course explores the role of edge computing in industrial automation, emphasizing its significance in enabling real-time data analytics, reducing latency, and enhancing the overall responsiveness of automated systems.
  6. Digital Twin Technology:
    • Digital twin technology involves creating a virtual replica of physical assets or processes. The PG Diploma introduces participants to the concept of digital twins in industrial automation. This includes understanding how digital replicas facilitate simulation, monitoring, and optimization of physical systems, leading to improved efficiency and predictive maintenance.
  7. Energy-Efficient Automation Solutions:
    • Sustainability is a key concern in modern industrial practices. The curriculum addresses the trend towards energy-efficient automation solutions. Participants learn how to design and implement automation processes that optimize energy consumption, aligning with global initiatives for sustainable and environmentally conscious industrial practices.
  8. Human-Machine Collaboration and User Experience (UX) Design:
    • As automation systems become more sophisticated, the interaction between humans and machines becomes paramount. The program includes insights into human-machine collaboration, focusing on user experience (UX) design principles. Participants explore how to create intuitive interfaces, ensuring seamless interaction between operators and automated systems.
  9. Predictive Maintenance with IoT Sensors:
    • Predictive maintenance is a proactive approach to equipment maintenance based on real-time data. The course covers the integration of IoT sensors for condition monitoring, enabling participants to understand how predictive maintenance strategies can significantly reduce downtime and enhance the reliability of industrial machinery.
  10. Blockchain Applications in Industrial Automation:
  • Blockchain technology is gaining traction in industrial automation for its potential to enhance transparency, security, and traceability. The curriculum explores blockchain applications in supply chain management, quality assurance, and data integrity within automated processes.

Staying ahead of these emerging trends is a fundamental aspect of Ambit Automation’s commitment to providing a comprehensive education in industrial automation. The PG Diploma not only equips participants with foundational knowledge but ensures they are well-versed in the latest technologies and trends shaping the future of industrial automation.

Industrial Automation Course Benefits

Embarking on the journey of earning a PG Diploma in Industrial Automation from Ambit Automation offers a multitude of benefits, positioning individuals for success in the ever-evolving landscape of industrial automation. This comprehensive program goes beyond traditional education, providing participants with a holistic and immersive experience that translates into tangible advantages.

  1. Highly Specialized Skill Set:
    • The PG Diploma ensures participants acquire a highly specialized skill set tailored to the demands of industrial automation. From mastering PLC programming and SCADA system design to delving into the intricacies of HMI development and control panel engineering, graduates emerge with a diverse skill portfolio, making them adept problem solvers in real-world industrial scenarios.
  2. Increased Employability and Career Growth:
    • The program enhances employability by equipping graduates with the latest and most sought-after skills in industrial automation. Employers actively seek professionals with practical, hands-on experience, and the PG Diploma ensures participants are not only job-ready but poised for rapid career growth. Graduates often find themselves in positions with advanced responsibilities and leadership potential.
  3. Adaptability to Evolving Technologies:
    • Industrial automation is a dynamic field marked by continuous technological advancements. The curriculum is designed to instill adaptability in participants, ensuring they can seamlessly integrate new technologies as they emerge. Graduates are not just proficient in current technologies but are also prepared to embrace innovations that shape the future of industrial automation.
  4. Global Recognition and Networking Opportunities:
    • The PG Diploma from Ambit Automation carries global recognition, opening doors to job opportunities not only in the local market but also on an international scale. Participants benefit from networking opportunities facilitated by the institute, connecting them with professionals, industry experts, and potential employers. This global perspective enhances their career horizons.
  5. Contribution to Sustainable Practices:
    • As industries worldwide focus on sustainability, the knowledge gained through the PG Diploma empowers graduates to contribute to environmentally conscious practices. The course emphasizes energy-efficient automation solutions, aligning with the global movement toward sustainable industrial processes. Graduates play a vital role in driving positive change within the industry.
  6. Real-World Application Emphasis:
    • What sets Ambit Automation apart is its unwavering commitment to providing practical, hands-on experience. The curriculum is designed to immerse participants in real-world scenarios, allowing them to apply theoretical concepts in practical situations. This emphasis on practical application ensures that graduates are not just well-versed in theories but are proficient problem solvers equipped to navigate the challenges of industrial automation.
  7. Holistic Learning Experience:
    • The PG Diploma offers a holistic learning experience that goes beyond technical knowledge. Participants gain insights into industry best practices, safety standards, and project management methodologies. This holistic approach ensures that graduates are well-rounded professionals capable of contributing to the overall success of industrial automation projects.
  8. Industry-Relevant Curriculum:
    • Ambit Automation prides itself on offering an industry-relevant curriculum that reflects the current trends and demands of the industrial automation landscape. Regular updates to incorporate the latest technologies ensure that participants are exposed to cutting-edge advancements, making them valuable assets to employers seeking professionals at the forefront of industrial automation.
  9. Hands-On Experience with Cutting-Edge Technologies:
    • The program provides hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies used in industrial automation. Participants work with advanced PLC brands, SCADA systems, HMI interfaces, VFDs, and DCS architectures. This practical exposure ensures that graduates are not just familiar with theoretical concepts but are proficient in using the tools and technologies prevalent in contemporary industrial settings.
  10. 100% Placement Support:
    • A compelling reason to choose Ambit Automation is its unwavering commitment to providing 100% placement support. The institute recognizes that education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about translating that knowledge into meaningful careers. Through dedicated career counseling, resume building, and interview preparation, Ambit Automation ensures that graduates are not only technically proficient but are also well-prepared to secure and thrive in lucrative positions within the industrial automation sector.

In essence, pursuing the PG Diploma in Industrial Automation at Ambit Automation is not just an educational journey; it’s an investment in a future marked by specialized expertise, global recognition, sustainability consciousness, and a pathway to becoming a key player in the dynamic field of industrial automation.

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